In medical terminology, fibromyalgia is actually
categorized as a syndrome, rather than a disease.
A syndrome is a collection of common symptoms or
characteristics that, when combined, constitute a
disorder. Premenstrual syndrome is also defined in
this way is it refers to the combination of symptoms
(irritability, tension, headaches, bloating, gas,
depression, fatigue, breast tenderness, and weight
gain,) that affect some women prior to menstruation.
The most common symptoms of Fibromyalgia
syndrome include muscle pain, aches, stiffness,
difficulty sleeping, and fatigue. Here's a closer look
at each of these symptoms, and the treatment
methods you can use to alleviate them.

Symptom: Pain

The pain from Fibromyalgia is both widespread and localized. This condition usually results in a general achiness and stiffness throughout the body. In addition, sufferers may feel pain at one or all of the "tender points" on the body. These "tender points" are designated sites on the body where tendon connects to bone. They are found in the areas of the shoulders, neck, back, arms, and buttocks. Many people have described the pain of Fibromyalgia to a "stabbing" pain that occurs all over the body. It can also be likened to the soreness and tenderness of the flu.

Treatment: Treating the pain of Fibromyalgia is a complex and lifelong journey. Talk with your health care provider about the diet, exercise, medications, and supplements that may work best in alleviating your pain.

Symptom: Sleep Disorders

The pain, stiffness, and aches of Fibromyalgia often make it difficult for sufferers to fall asleep and stay asleep through the night. One recent study found that Fibromyalgia is associated with a period of restlessness that disrupts REM sleep and diminishes deep sleep. As many as seventy percent of Fibromyalgia sufferers also suffer from sleep disorders, leading to chronic fatigue and exhaustion.

Treatment: Be as consistent as possible about your nighttime routine. Try to go to sleep and wake at the same times each day and stay away from long daytime naps. Avoid any caffeine or stimulants that could affect your sleep.The fatigue that accompanies Fibromyalgia is pervasive and all encompassing. The sleep disorders that accompany the condition make it very difficult to obtain a restful night's sleep. Many Fibromyalgia suffers have noted that they wake up in the morning more exhausted than when they went to bed. More than ninety percent of people who are diagnosed with Fibromyalgia are also suffering from chronic fatigue. This fatigue and exhaustion can also lead to other symptoms such as a decrease in sexual desires, and lack of interest in daily activities, and a general feeling of malaise.

Treatment: As with the treatment for sleep disorders, it's important to be consistent with your nighttime routine, and limit daytime naps to one or two fifteen-minute naps. This may take a period of adjustment to get used to, but after a few days, it should help you sleep better at night and reduce your overall fatigue.

Symptom: Digestive Disorders

People who suffer from Fibromyalgia tend to reduce their activity levels in response to the pain. This in turn slows down the digestive system and could set the patient up for a roller coaster of constipation, diarrhea, and indigestion. One recent study found that thirty percent of Fibromyalgia sufferers also have trouble with digestive disorders.

Treatment: A healthy diet and exercise are the best medicine for digestive disorders. It can be difficult to keep moving and to eat healthy when the pain of Fibromyalgia sets in, but the benefits will far outweigh the pain in the long run.

Other Symptoms

Tension or migraine headaches

Approximately fifty five percent of Fibromyalgia patients also report suffering from chronic tension or migraine headaches. These headaches can be a direct result of the pain and fatigue that also accompanies Fibromyalgia.

Treatment: Talk with you health care provider to determine the types of headaches you are experiencing and the best method for treating them. He or she may recommend dietary changes, medication, or nutritional supplements.

o Anxiety and depression

Anxiety, stress and depression go hand in hand with Fibromyalgia, but it can often be difficult to determine which illness is the cause and which is the result. Regardless, the pain, fatigue, sleep disorders, and general feelings of malaise that accompany fibromyalgia can often trigger feelings of anxiety, stress and depression. Many Fibromyalgia sufferers feel hopeless and helpless in their condition.

Treatment: Don't try to go through this alone. Fibromyalgia can be a physically and emotional exhausting illness. Stay connected with family and friends that can help you work through the emotional burden of your condition. Also, locate a Fibromyalgia support group where you can meet other people that can empathize with your symptoms and offer guidance for your recovery

Tuesday 11 October 2011

New Christmas Movies 2011

New Christmas movies 2011

For Information on New Hallmark Christmas movies visit
Movie titles include :

Trading Christmas
Lucky Christmas
Christmas returns to Canaan

See New Christmas Movies at :

1 comment:

  1. Ma vie est belle grâce à vous, Mein Helfer. Seigneur Jésus dans ma vie comme une lumière de bougie dans l'obscurité. Tu m'as montré le sens de la foi avec tes paroles. Je sais que même lorsque je pleurais toute la journée en pensant à la façon de me rétablir, tu ne dormais pas, tu m'étais cher. J'ai contacté le centre d'herboristerie Dr Itua, qui vivait en Afrique de l'Ouest. Un de mes amis, ici à Hambourg, est également originaire d'Afrique. Elle m'a parlé des herbes africaines, mais j'étais nerveux. J'ai très peur quand il s'agit de l'Afrique parce que j'ai entendu beaucoup de choses terribles à leur sujet à cause de mon christianisme. Dieu pour la direction, faites un pas audacieux et prenez contact avec lui dans le courriel et puis allez à WhatsApp, il m'a demandé si je peux venir pour un traitement ou si je veux une livraison, je lui ai dit que je voulais le connaître j'achète des billets d'avion de 2 façons pour l'Afrique Pour rencontrer le Dr Itua, je suis allé là-bas et j'étais sans voix de la part des gens que j'y ai vu. Brevet, des gens malades. Itua est un dieu envoyé dans le monde, j'ai parlé à mon pasteur de ce que je fais, le pasteur Bill Scheer. Nous avons une belle bataille avec l'esprit et la chair. Adoration la même nuit. Il a prié pour moi et m'a demandé de diriger. J'ai passé 2 semaines et 2 jours en Afrique au Dr Itua Herbal Home. Après le traitement, il m'a demandé de rencontrer son infirmière pour faire le test du VIH quand je l'aurais fait. Il était négatif. J'ai demandé à mon ami de m'emmener dans un autre hôpital voisin quand je suis arrivé, il était négatif. Le résultat m'a fait perdre la tête, mais j'étais heureuse au fond de moi. Nous sommes allés avec le Dr Itua, je le remercie mais je lui explique que je n'ai pas assez pour lui montrer ma reconnaissance, qu'il comprend ma situation, mais je lui promets qu'il témoignera de son bon travail. Dieu merci pour ma chère amie Emma, je sais que je pourrais lire ceci maintenant, je veux vous remercier. Et un grand merci au Dr. Itua Herbal Center. Il m'a donné son calendrier que j'ai accroché au mur de ma maison. Le Dr Itua peut également soigner les maladies suivantes : VIH, herpès, hépatite B, foie inflammatoire, diabète, cancer de la vessie, cancer du cerveau, cancer de l'œsophage, cancer de la vésicule biliaire, maladie trophoblastique gestationnelle, cancer de la tête et du cou, lymphome de Hodgkin
    Cancer de l'intestin,Cancer du rein,Leucémie,Cancer du foie,Cancer du poumon,Mélanome,Mésothéliome,Myélome multiple,Tumeurs neuroendocriniennes
    Lymphome non hodgkinien,Cancer de la bouche,Cancer de l'ovaire,Cancer du sinus,Cancer de la peau,Sarcome des tissus mous,Cancer de la colonne vertébrale,Cancer de l'estomac
    Cancer du testicule,Cancer de la gorge,Cancer de la thyroïde,Cancer de l'utérus,Cancer du vagin,Cancer de la vulveDésordre bipolaire,Cancer de la vessie,Cancer colorectal,HPV,Cancer du sein,Cancer de l'anus.Appendice cancer.Cancer du rein,Cancer de la prostate,Glaucome., Cataracte,Dégénérescence maculaire,Cancer de la surrénale.cancer du canal biliaire,Cancer des os.maladie cardiovasculaire,maladie pulmonaire.hypertrophie de la prostate,ostéoporoseAlzheimer,cancer du cerveau.démence.érection faible,période d'amour,leucémie,fibrome,stérilité,maladie de Parkinson,maladie inflammatoire de l'intestin ,fibromyalgie, récupérer votre ex. Vous pouvez le contacter par e-mail ou, ..numéro de téléphone de WhatsApp + 2348149277967 ... C'est un bon médecin, parlez-lui gentiment. Je suis sûr qu'il vous écoutera aussi.
